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This detailed model, enlarged 180x and depicted to scale, simplifies lessons on the digestive system.
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Explore Liver Microanatomy.
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This unmounted skull of the common North American Didelphis virginiana shows the extra teeth, which is a characteristic of marsupials.
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The skull of a white-tail deer, Odocoileus virginianus, will be from a doe or young buck. It shows the cypical structure of the wild Cervid, which may be compared with a skull of the domestic Bovid.
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Mounted in extended position for easy study and identification of structures.
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Compare our unmounted horse skull with our bovine skull, or use it as a supplement to the full horse skeleton.
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Simplify Your Lessons With These Two Models.
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Well defined cast of mutliple disc–shaped vendozoans collected from the Ediacaran beds near Kamenez–Podolskiy, Ukraine.
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Rare cast of this early medusiform vendozoan from the precambrian ediacaran beds of the mistaken point formation. Cape race, Newfoundland.
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Life-Size Model With Removable Internal Organs
Superior Casting Process Produces Highly Detailed Bone Surfaces
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Get an up-close view of a domestic cat skull with the unmounted specimen of Felis domesticus.
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The durable resin construction and realistic details of these geological models will add impact to your geology lessons for years to come.
Fully articulated horse limbs.
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The impressive, unmounted skull of castor canadiensis, the largest North American rodent, shows the enlarged incisors that enable the beaver to fell trees.
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Sus scrofa, the domestic pig, is an ideal representative of the pig family, Suidae. The skull is unmounted for closer examination.
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