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Meteorology Models
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This simple apparatus demonstrates radiant heat.
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Help your students visualize the formation of a cloud in your hand.
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Here's an easy way to explore the greenhouse effect theory.
This lab helps students discover the edicts of dew point and relative humidity.
Catalog Number:
Examine the Science Behind the Landmark 2005 Hurricane
Catalog Number:
This apparatus consists of a metal box (22 x 10 x 11cm) with clear acrylic front panel, two glass chimneys, a candle, and a cotton filled wick as the smoke source. Includes activity guide.
Catalog Number:
Walloping Weather Mad Science Kit
Catalog Number:
Students will be able to actually see a normally invisible convection current in action and understand how hot and cold air make the current flow.
Bring the Earth sciences to life and satisfy National Science Standards (NSS) with one of these versatile density flow models. Teacher developed, these educational demonstration models are the most complete and useful tools for simulating the realistic flow of fluids in nature (i.e., weather systems, ocean circulation, mountain building, and plate tectonics).
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