Simulator Hospital Training Baby, natural size approximately 4-weeks-old. Made of plastic, with aluminium case, with movable head, arms & legs, chest & abdominal wall with umbilical vein, urinary bladder- stomach & intestines, injection pads, can be exchanged
Simulator Hospital Training Baby, natural size approximately 4-weeks-old. Made of plastic throughout comprising body with movable head, arms & legs, chest & abdominal wall with umbilical vein, urinary bladder- stomach & intestines, injection pads, can be exchanged
Simulator Broncho-Boy-Junior, Life-sized, in plastic, Facilitate Introduction to flexible & rigid pediatric bronchoscopy, help in learning foreign body extraction & stent placement, Help pediatric anesthesiology & ICU trainees to master naso- & oro-tracheal intubation
Simulator Arthroscopy Model of the Knee-Joint, natural size, in synthetic material, model is made of a smooth cutaneous and muscular cover in which the bones of the knee-joint are embedded, one lateral and one medial access to the posterior recess
Simulator Hospital Training Baby, natural size approx 4-weeks-old, Black in color, Made of plastic throughout body with movable head, arms & legs, chest & abdominal wall with umbilical vein, urinary bladder- stomach & intestines, injection pads, can be exchanged
simulator, Gynecologic Examination Wedge, offers the possibility to simulate a leaned position of the patient as in a gynecological examination chair, Weight: 0.001 kg
simulator, Gynecologic Skills Trainer P91, is an adult-sized lower torso designed as a versatile clinical training tool to add hands-on experience for learners practicing gynecologic skills, for developing diagnostic skills and learners, Weight: 7.7 kg
Uteri set, for Gynecologic Skills Trainer P91 (1021592), Normal uterus which can simulate an anteflexion or a retroflexion, Bicornate uterus, Uterus with three removable myomas structures, Enlarged uterus (13 cm large, 11 cm high), Weight: 0.001 kg
Vagina Insert, The spare, for the Gynecologic Skills Trainer P91 (1021592) and the Hysteroscopy & Laparoscopy Trainer P92 (1021607), life-like softness, high-quality silicone, this vaginal insert offers a realistic, flexible vaginal canal