Female Pelvis with Ligaments 6 Part, This life size six part model of a female pelvis represents detailed information about the topography of bones, ligaments, vessels, nerves, pelvic floor muscles and female genital organs.
Female Pelvis 3 Part, This life size three part model represents an original cast of a bony female pelvis and shows all the details of the following anatomical structures
Mammary gland in resting position, enlarged, in somso-plast*, separates into 2 halves. on a stand with base. height: 25 cm, width: 18 cm, depth: 18 cm, weight: 900 g.
Showing the harmful effects of hypertension on the most susceptible organs. It consists of scaled down depictions of brain, eye, 2-part heart, 2-part kidney, enlarged artery. All of the organs can be rotated or removed for closer viewing.
Simulator Prostate Exam 4 Stages, Trainer is used in medical simulation and clinical training for the demonstration and practice of digital rectal examinations (DRE) index finger is inserted into the rectum, facilitating palpation of the rear part of the prostate
Model Economy Human Male Asian Comparative Set, Contains the Human Male Asian Skull, pelvis, femur & humerus, created to introduce student to the human skeleton, Skull is of Asian male with a metopic suture, teeth color are the same color (same resin)
Model Australopithecus Boisei Femaleknm Er 732 Cranium, 1.7 MYA. Female, was discovered in 1970 at Koobi Fora, Kenya by R. Leakey and H. Mutua and described in Nature in 1971, Size: 16.6L x 14.1W x 10.2H (cm)