Paracentesis Ultrasound Training Module with Femoral Nerves and Vessels, Includes Full Torso Imaging Platform with Ultra-Durable Paracentesis Tissue Insert Containing Simulated Bowel with Peritoneal Fluid Collections of Varying Sizes, Ultrasound Tissue Insert Containing Femoral Artery/Vein and Nerve
Gen II - Hand Pump Ultrasound Central Line Training Model. Central Line Ultrasound Model Includes Arterial Anatomy (Carotid, Subclavian and Axillary Arteries), Venous Anatomy (IJ, Brachiocephalic, Subclavian, and Axillary Veins), Internal Landmarks (Trachea, Suprasternal Notch, Clavicle, Manubrium)
Gen II Ultrasound Central Line Model with Transparent Insert and Hand Pump Training Model Includes Arterial Anatomy (Carotid, Subclavian and Axillary Arteries), Venous Anatomy (IJ, Brachiocephalic, Subclavian, and Axillary Veins), Internal Landmarks, External Landmarks for Blind Insertion Technique
Transvaginal SonoHysterography and Sonosalpingography Ultrasound Training Model Includes Female Pelvis Model with Endovaginal Canal, Cervix, Cervical Canal, Uterus, Endometrial Canal, Fibroids, Bladder, Patent Fallopian Tubes, Bowel, Soft Padded Storage Case, and Privacy Skirt
General Pathology Transvaginal Ultrasound Training Model Includes Female Pelvis Model containing a Uterus with Prominent Endometrium, Left and Right Ovaries, Periovarian Abscess, Broad Ligaments, Ovarian Follicles, Free Fluid in the Cul-de-Sac, Bowel, Bladder, and Other Accessory Pelvic Structures
Gen II - Automated Pump Ultrasound Central Line Training Model. Central Line Ultrasound Model Includes Arterial Anatomy (Carotid, Subclavian and Axillary Arteries), Venous Anatomy (Brachiocephalic, Subclavian, and Axillary Veins), Internal Landmarks (Trachea, Suprasternal Notch, Clavicle, Manubrium)
Paracentesis Ultrasound Training Module for Ultrasound Guided Paracentesis Includes Full Torso Imaging Platform with Ultra-Durable Paracentesis Tissue Insert Containing Simulated Bowel with Peritoneal Fluid Collections of Varying Sizes, Includes 1 Bottle of Clear Ultrasound Fluid