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Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
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How big can a cell grow?
Knock over your student's preconceptions of elasticity with this inquiry-based activity on forces.
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In this inquiry-based learning case, students are architects, designing a brand new school; but to design the best possible buildings, they need to study student behavior, specifically how students move through hallways.
Can cancer be inherited?
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A rotten sausage? Or something else? Botulism is the worst.
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Safe and Convenient Visual Presentation
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Create a geologic map utilizing soil data.
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Observe the Chemical Properties of Element Families
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Collect Biological Samples for Analysis
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This analogy to the Rutherford alpha-scattering experiment allows students to observe reflected paths and deduce unknown shapes. It's a perfect short lab for the beginning study of particle physics.
Test Effectiveness of Various Commercial Cleaners
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Investigations Into magnetic fields, force, and poles.
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Culture and identify different types of mold
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Investigation Tests Antibiotics and Disinfectant Cleaners
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The perfect activity to start your year with inquiry-based learning.
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Designed to Link Molecular Genetics with Classical Mendelian Genetics
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