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Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
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The Light Combiner is a simple yet dramatic way to demonstrate the additive color process.
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Quantitative Analysis of Student Generated Waves
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Gain an Appreciation for the Complexity of Agriculture
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According to the Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 5.5 billion metric tons of hazardous waste were spilled or buried in dumpsites throughout the United States between 1950 and 1975.
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Ideal for students to learn core physics concepts.
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With this kit, students uncover the mystery of microbial life.
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Bioassays that Glow
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Large Plant and Animal Cells Provide a Great View of Osmosis in Action
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Discover how the environment affects an ectotherm's metabolism.
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Study Sediment Deposition, Transport, and Distribution
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Kit to test and learn about SPF!
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This visually striking lab clearly illustrates the processes of rusting, corrosion and cathode inhibition. Iron metal will rust in the presence of air and water, a process that accelerates in ocean water.
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The study of bread ties in such diverse disciplines as biology, technology, history and cultural mores, as well as the scientific method and the importance of following proper lab procedure.
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Experience an exothermic reaction and create a heat pack.
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The grocery store meets the gas station in this innovative, new activity.
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Monitor and graph temperature change in an endothermic reaction.
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