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Educational Classroom Kits and Activities
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Investigate Water Pollution in the Same Way That States Do
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This simple, effective demonstration lets students discover for themselves the paradoxes of Newton’s first and second laws.
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Re-create His Famous Experiment
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In this lab activity, students identify an unknown bacterial sample using gross examination, cell morphology, and biochemical tests with Becton-Dickenson EnteroPluri Tubes.
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Each student paints a model of the Earth. Using simple math they then determine how far from the equator to make the Tropic of Cancer and Capicorn.
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Simple, Effective Investigation Uses Living Specimens
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Examine the physical properties of DNA.
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Expand Student Knowledge of Polymers
Distinguish between endospores and the vegetative structures of bacterial cells. The endospores will stain green against a pink background. Includes spore staining solution, safranin O solution, and instructions.
Shelf life is 3 years.
Catalog Number:
Conduct Reference Toxicity Tests
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Being able to present a product that is both fun as well as informative is always a Joy®
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This lab uses an ingenious gas collection method to collect and determine the amount of CO₂ liberated from a reaction between NaHCO₃ and HCl.
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Students will perform chromatography on three different dyes in this hands-on lab.
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Examine the effects of acids and bases on chemical pH indicators.
How do Forensic Scientists Analyze Blood Spatter?
Catalog Number:
Apply the hands on Science of Energy, Motion, and Friction.
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