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Nucleic Acid Reagents
These restriction enzymes are used to recognize specific sequences in double strand DNA. BamH I recognizes 5-G/GATCC-3, Ecor I recognizes 5-G/AATTC-3, and Hind III recognizes 5-A/AGCTT-3. The activity level of all our restriction enzymes is 10 units per 1 µl.
All are shipped next day on ice. As they are perishable, a ship date must be specified.
Catalog Number:
This Promega offers enhanced amplification over conventional Taq DNA polymerases. Supplied with 5X colorless reaction buffer and a 5X green buffer, which both allow for direct loading into agarose gels with no loading dye required. The included 5X green buffer allows you to visualize migration during electrophoresis. Each tube contains 100 U at 5 U/μl. Note: Requires storage at − 20°C.
Catalog Number:
The premixed ready-to-use solution contains Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, and magnesium chloride at optimal concentrations for efficient amplification of DNA templates by PCR. Enough for 100 reactions (2.5 mL).
Catalog Number:
10 mM concentration each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP, for a total nucleotide concentration of 40 mM. <BR><BR><B><i>Note: Can be stored at 4°C for up to six weeks, or -20°C for longer.</i></B>
Catalog Number:
Pre-mixed, and ready to use, this master mix contains DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl₂, and reaction buffers at optimal concentrations for the amplification of DNA via PCR. Its special formulation allows for direct loading of PCR samples into agarose gels as well as tracking the migration during electrophoresis without the need for loading dyes. Simply add template, primers, and nuclease-free water, available separately. Mater Mix reduces risk of contamination. Includes enough for 100 reactions. Note: Can be stored at 4 °C for up to six weeks, or −20 °C for longer.
Catalog Number:
One unit of this Restriction Enzyme will digest 1{mu lower case}g of DNA in 60 minutes in 50mL r x n volume. Each comes in a recyclable packaging that holds the enzyme, buffers, and a lot-specific product information sheet that contains details of the rigorous quality control assays performed, product storage and usage information, protocols, and references.Note: All restriction enzymes require storage at -20°C. A ship date is required. Available to US customers only.
Catalog Number:
The Reverse Transcription System provides reagents to efficiently reverse transcribe RNA into cDNA in fifteen minutes.
Catalog Number:
One unit of this Restriction Enzyme will digest 1μg of DNA in 60 minutes in 50mL r x n volume. Each comes in a recyclable packaging that holds the enzyme, buffers, and a lot-specific product information sheet that contains details of the rigorous quality control assays performed, product storage and usage information, protocols and references. <B><i>Note: All restriction enzymes require storage at -20°C. Shipped next day air. </i></B><BR><BR>Blue White cloning qualified. Heat inactivated. Incubation temperature: 37°C. Concentration: 10μ/μl. Size: 3,000μ.
Catalog Number:
Simply add your primers and template DNA to a single PCR EdvoBead™ and mix!
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