Tube holder to support all S series (student) electron tubes for easy and safe operation. The five pin sockets for the tube are concealed inside the tube holder. A cathode protection switch is integrated into the tube holder, to protect the heated cathode from excessive voltage.
Scintillation Detectors are complete assembly for gamma spectroscopy applications. The 38x38 mm NaI(Tl) crystal includes PMT and voltage divider. Probe is supplied with a 10-position sample stand, lead shield and cables for connecting directly to the spectrometer
Teltron Critical Potentials Tube S with He-Filling for quantitative investigations of inelastic collisions of electrons with inert gas atoms. Cathode filament voltage: UF </= 7V; Anode voltage: UA </= 60V; Anode current: IA </= 10 mA
Cover, Material: Rugged ABS plastic, For E/M Apparatus, Protects the bulb of the e/M Apparatus during transport, Provides viewing of the e/M Apparatus in lit classrooms
Highly evacuated electron tube with focusing electron gun and fluorescent screen inclined relative to the beam axis, so that the path of the beam can be seen and the effects of electric and magnetic fields can be studied.
Introduction, coding and robotics, For grades 3, 4 and 5. Includes access to download standards based curriculum with worksheets, rubrics, and more. 200 parts - including software and control unit.Packed in plastic Gratnells storage box.