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Human Biology Models
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Milk giving right breast: Medially divided into 2 halves, held together with magnets, Healthy milk-giving breath tissue on the cut surface of the external half, Breast gland inflammation (mastitis) on the cut surface of the inner half.
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Allows Realistic Demonstration And Practice
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For Use With Life/Form Catheterization Trainers
Advanced Birthing Training
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Economic Model Of Iud Placement
Practice basic infant IM injection.
Considered to have lived 2.5 MYA, the <i>Australopithecus africanus </i>Skull Sts 5 'Mrs. Ples' was discovered in 1947 by R. Broom and J. Robinson in Sterkfontein, Transvaal, South Africa.
Catalog Number:
1.7 MYA. Male. The <i>Australopithecus boisei </i>Skull KNM-ER 406 was discovered by R. Leakey at Koobi Fora, Kenya, in 1969.
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1.7 MYA. The Dmanisi site in the country of Georgia has yielded incredible hominin fossil finds of the species <i>Homo erectus</i>, adding further documentation to the presence of Homo existing outside of Africa around 1.7 million years ago during the Plio-Pleistocene period.
Better training at a lower cost.
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Pediatric life support.
Facilitate patient learner communication.
Compare Human Fetal Skulls At Various Stages Of Development
Catalog Number:
Stable, Mobile Platform For All Articulated Ring-Mounted Skeletons
Catalog Number:
Enlarged Cross–Sectional Depiction
Basic Hand Injection Practice
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