Model shows the transverse and longitudinal section of a dicotyledonous stem in which case the cambium ring has been formed but no secondary growth has taken place.
Dandelion (Taraxacum Officinale), Dandelion belongs to the Asteraceae family of composite flowers. Characterized by numerous florets arranged in a dense inflorescence that is contained by overlapping green bracts that open and close to protect the flower
Model, Lesser Celandine Flower (Ficaria verna), Enlarged 10x life-size, 1-part, Family: Ranunculaceae, The family of Ranunculaceae depicts an ancient flower structure. Also known as both the buttercup or crowfoot family, Dimensions: 39 cm, weight: 1.1 kg
Model, Chamomile Blossom (Matricaria chamomilla), belongs to the family popularly known as asters, composites, daisies or sunflowers (Asteroideae, formerly known as Compositae), stand with its own base, Dimensions: 24 x 19 x 28 cm, weight: 0.705 kg
Model, Tulip Flower (Tulipa gesneriana), Enlarged 3x life-size, 2-part, Family: Liliaceae Monocotyledonous, are characterized by underground stems called bulbs that vegetatively reproduce, Dimensions: 23 x 24 x 52cm, weight: 0.4 kg