Earth Science & Geology Resources
Helpful resources for your earth science and geology classroom.
Looking for support for your earth science or geology lab, or want to learn more about our geology specimens, equipment and activities? Find helpful resources, product information, specimen key cards and more here. |
Widest Selection of Specimen Material Individually hand-cut and selected for greater consistency in size and characteristic representation, our specimens are never crushed and sorted. Plus, we prepare, process, and assemble every kit and collection in our own on-site geology facility so we can ensure the highest teaching quality from start to finish.
Materials Designed to Match Your Curriculum Requirements We prepare specimens in multiple size options to match your specific activity and save you time, so there’s no need to revise your lesson plans to match the specimen provided. Don’t have time to plan a complete lesson? Choose an activity kit with all the materials you need, plus comprehensive activity guides written by Ward’s Science geology experts and former educators.
The Plus is Us! Have a question about a particular specimen? Contact our Technical Product Support team. Email: [email protected].