Automatic temperature compensation for immediate, accurate analysis of industrial solutions, without referencing temperature conversion charts. Rugged, water-resistant design. Scale: 0 to 30 in 0.5[degree] divisions.
CO2 To the Rescue Lab Activity kit, to invent a small device that could rescue a cell phone that accidentally falls into water, Students conduct a pair of chemical reactions to determine which of two acids react with baking soda to produce the most CO2 gas
For low- to medium-range colorometric analysis of water quality. Ranges: 0-1 and 1-10ppm. Includes 30 self-filling ampules, comparators, accessory solutions, snap cup and instructions.
For low- to medium-range colorometric analysis of water quality. Ranges: 0-1 and 1-5ppm (DPD method). Includes 30 self-filling ampules, comparators, accessory solutions, snap cup and instructions.
Cartesian Diver Only - 4 cm WL 1040, Ideal for Showing Archimedes Principle, with a hollow glass diver, shaped like a diver, with a 10in x 1 1/2in glass cylinder, a rubber sheet and rubber band, Fill the cylinder with water, drop in the diver it floats