Game Adding & Subtracting Number Sense Learning Center-Grade 3-5, features a Curriculum Mastery Game with 30 illustrated, topic-specific question cards; 1 laminated game board; and materials for four players; Write-On/Wipe-Off
Game Adding & Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers Learning Center-Grade 3-5, features a Curriculum Mastery Game with 30 illustrated, topic-specific question cards; 1 laminated game board; and materials for four players; Write-On/Wipe-Off
Mammalian Genotyping Kit, Performs DNA extraction and amplification in an hour, Proprietary lysis buffer optimized for ear punches, tail snips and other mammalian tissues, Single tube process does not require organic solvents or clean up procedures, Size: 400ul
Mammalian Genotyping Kit, Performs DNA extraction and amplification in an hour, Proprietary lysis buffer optimized for ear punches, tail snips and other mammalian tissues, Single tube process does not require organic solvents or clean up procedures, Size: 80ul
Lamp Kit, Iso-b Classroom Design, Identify a patient with viral infection, Student is given infected and non-infected patient samples, Test will tell who is infected, It is good for 24 students, Learn isothermal amplification technology (LAMP)
Fractional Distillation Kit, Small Group Learning, Includes: Simulated Crude Oil, Rubber Stoppers, Disposable Cups, 5 pieces Tubing, complete kit for fractional distillation experiment to simulate the fractionation of crude oil,
Enzymes and the Process of Digestion Kit, Contains: Bile Salt, Albumin, Starch, Pepsin, Amylase, Sodium hydroxide, Hydrochloric acid, Phenolphthalein, Olive oil, Plastic graduated pipettes, IKI Dilute Lugols Solution, to determine use of enzyme in digestion
Distance learning Urinalysis using simulated urine, Urinalysis is one of the oldest medical diagnostic tests, and is still one of the most commonly used tests to this day, students will perform a urinalysis on four different samples of simulated urine, Using a standard urinalysis test strip