Catapult kit to explore force, acceleration, Hooke's law, parabolic trajectories by building and testing a fully-functional catapult. Contains catapult base, sides, lever arm, rubber bands, screws, dowels, hook, ping-pong ball. Aids in conceptualization of abstract mathematical ideas
Torque demonstration kit helps user to experience significantly increasing torque by moving a mass set down a rod while trying to balance the main rod. Includes: Storage Box, 1000g mass set, custom washer, 2 dowels, 2 bolts, 2 nuts, steel ball and instructions
Mitosis: Cell Growth and Division Curriculum Learning Module provides Complete set of digital and hands-on resources designed to support teacher instruction. Includes a flip chart, student learning guide, vocabulary set, game and multimedia lesson
Center of Mass kit will explore the center of gravity of a 2 body system to show a single point on any solid body about which the weight is balanced in all directions. Contains: Storage box, Slotted Mass Set, protractor, 3 high strain rubber bands, 2 engineering balancing boards