Aluminum Tuning Forks, Set Of 8, Includes: (8) Tuning Forks, Best Quality Nickel-Plated, Plain Shanks, With Frequency Marked, C (256), D (288), E (320), F (341), G (384), A (426), B (480), C (512). Set Supplied In Wooden Case.
Test Vessel, Testing Volume: Approx. 1 Litre, Laser Fixture: 18 mm Dia, Lens: Plano-Convex, F=100 mm, 16 mm Dia, Made Of Transparent Acrylic, With A Lid And A Transducer Mounting For Conducting The Projecting ultrasonic Waves With Divergent Light.
Sonometer Wire, 1.3lbs, 9.8x6.7x6.3inch, Set of six wires, brass and steel, length 1.5 m, Set of six wires, brass and steel, length 1.5 m of 22, 24, 26 SWG. Ends looped ready for use.
Sweep Function Generator, 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz, Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse, & Ramp output, Coarse and Fine tuning, 5 digit LED display, Linear and log sweep, Variable duty cycle, Variable DC offset, cUL certified
Ripple Tank, Overhead, Dimensions: 15.5inx12inx4in, 6V DC power source and an overhead projector are required, demonstrates the generation, propagation, reflection, interference and diffraction of waves