Orbit Sulfur atom, Sl, Atom centres are colour-coded according to element with prongs set at the correct bonding angles, 10 mm diameter atom centre, Octahedral, Color: Yellow
Orbit Nitrogen atom, Ha, Atom centres are colour-coded according to element with prongs set at the correct bonding angles, 10 mm diameter atom centre, Nitrile, Color: Blue
Orbit Nitrogen atom, Nl, Atom centres are colour-coded according to element with prongs set at the correct bonding angles, 10 mm diameter atom centre, Octahedral, Color: Blue
Epidural and Spinal Injection Trainer, Dimensions: 45 x 35 x 24 cm, functions: epidural anesthesia using the loss-of-resistance and the hanging-drop technique, spinal anesthesia with realistic resistance of the dura and arachnoid mater
Orbit Chlorine atom, Cla, Atom centres are colour-coded according to element with prongs set at the correct bonding angles, 10 mm diameter atom centre, Univalent, Color: Green
Orbit Metal atom, Mq, Atom centres are colour-coded according to element with prongs set at the correct bonding angles, 10 mm diameter atom centre, 12 coordinate, Color: Silver
Model, Magnetic Heart, life-size, 5 parts, 2 atria and 2 ventricles show all the normal anatomical structures of the papillary muscles and heart valves, it shows both the diastolic and systolic state, Dimensions: 25 x 21 x 13 cm, weight: 1.3 kg
Lubricating gel, was specially made for use with the 3B Scientific birth simulators, P90 Basic and Pro, The set contains two bottles each with 250 ml, Dimesnions: 15 x 16 x 7 cm, Weight: 0.6 kg