Healthy Plants Kit, Contains: 30 Plastic cups(5/7oz), 60 Bean seeds, 30 wicks, 1bag Soil/Vermiculite, Nutrient Powder, Acid Rain Solution, Designed for older elementary students to help them examine/understand the needs of plants for growth and survival, For grades 3-5
Students study food web relationships and how natural and human induced changes in the environment, Additional materials required: fresh celery, an apple, a slice of bread, dominoes, recycled milk jugs or alternative containers, and salt, Grades: 5-8
Kit is climate change making us sick, Conduct simulated antibody tests for allergens, Graph and analyze data to determine if there is a correlation between temperature, pollen counts symptoms, unassembled 10-pack contains all materials to assemble 10 kits
Kit is climate change making us sick, Conduct simulated antibody tests for allergens, Graph and analyze data to determine if there is a correlation between temperature, pollen counts, and allergy symptoms, Single, Time: 1-2 forty-minute class periods